
An initial evaluation is the first step to joining TLA for individual or group therapy.  It allows potential clients to meet their therapists, share their concerns and goals, and together develop a customized treatment plan.

Rates are $225-$240 for a 50 minute evaluation. 

If you are interested in scheduling an Evaluation, please contact us.


Navigating the process of finding mental health providers, choosing treatment modalities, and establishing care can often be challenging, confusing, and overwhelming without guidance. TLA therapists specialize in assessing mental health-related needs, and are available to meet with clients as well as families to develop a plan for how to access care.

Consultation services we provide include the following:

  • Referrals to providers (i.e. psychiatrists, therapists, occupational therapists, etc.) and/or programs in the community

  • Recommendations for level of care (i.e. inpatient, intensive outpatient, outpatient therapy, etc.)

  • Documentation for emotional support animals

Rates for an initial consultation are $325 for a 90 minute session. The number of additional sessions are based on the individualized needs of clients and their families. 

If you are interested in scheduling a Consultation, please contact us.